The Only Thing Constant in Life is Change
Owning vacations has been a constant for decades, only WHAT we own has evolved. Through the 60’s, vacations were typically a couple of weeks at the family owned cabin. Changing lifestyles saw a world become more mobile and fly–to vacation destinations more desirable. The 70’s introduced timeshare ownership to meet this desire. Timeshare created flexibility through an exchange program with worldwide vacations choices. Another change in lifestyle emerged in the 80’s with the busy baby boomers. The one–week vacation offered by timeshare was a luxury many didn’t have time for. Demanding careers and busy children left little time for much needed family vacations. Several two or three day getaways were preferred over the traditional full week vacation. In 1989 WorldMark® by Wyndham(formerly known as Trendwest) created WorldMark with a vacation ownership flexible enough to accommodate ever–changing lifestyles…constantly.
Vacation Credits
WorldMark credits are a vacation currency that you own. The number of credits you purchase is deposited annually into a WorldMark account to spend as YOU chose. A couple of weeks at the lake every year, exchange into a world-class resort for a week or spend a couple of days at a drive-to resort. How long you stay is up to you and only limited by the number of vacation credits you own!
WorldMark credits give you ultimate flexibility. You don’t own in a particular season, in a particular unit or at a single resort. You own all them! All resort locations (more than 50 currently), everything from a studio to a four-bedroom penthouse. Nearby or far away. By the ocean, mountains, lakes or the desert. Small enough or big enough to fit whatever lifestyle you’re living today! Single? Couple? Small family? Large family? Grandparents? Empty nesters? WorldMark has the perfect vacation for you.